Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Veterans Day Open House
Walter Rhoades American Legion Post 111 will host a Veterans Day open house with a special meal and free live music on November 9, 2023 from 2-8 PM. The post will be open to the public in order to increase engagement with the community, raise awareness about the American Legion, raise funds, and gain new members. The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion will all be represented. We will hold a toast to veterans at 3:00 PM, a special meal from Field Kitchen 111, and live music from the Incidentals. There will also be a 50/50 drawing. Come out and support your local veterans!

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Boo Bingo!
Join us October 26, 2024, at 1:00 PM for Boo Bingo hosted by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111. Doors open at noon. Door prizes, Raffles, Silent Auction items, Paddle Sales and of course, BINGO begins at 1 PM. Costumes are encouraged.
Field Kitchen 111 will be open! This event is open to the public. All funds raised support veterans and programs in the local community.

James Hurtado - Guitarist and Vocalist
We are excited to welcome James Hurtado to Walter Rhoades American Legion Post 111. James has been playing professionally for 20 years and has shared the stage with Daniel Valdez and has also performed at the Winter Park Music Festival as well as the Taste of Colorado. Join us for a night of wonderful music. This event is open to the public.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

John Long - Blues Musician
We are excited to welcome John Long to Walter Rhoades American Legion Post 111. John Long's adoptive father was Homesick James, who was a direct influence on his music accomplishments. Homesick James, who passed away on December 13, 2006, was Elmore James' cousin and the last of his band members (The Broomdusters). Come join us for an amazing night of live, classic rock ’n’ roll! This event is open to the public.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Red, White, and Blue Bingo
Red, White, and Blue bingo will be held on Saturday, July 20th, at Post 111. Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111, doors open at noon and bingo begins at 1.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Memorial Day Service and Pot-Luck
Join us this Memorial Day as we pause and remember the fallen. The post will be conducting a service in honor of Memorial Day at 11 AM at the Louisville Memorial Cemetery. Following the service, there will be a cook-out and pot-luck at the post. A sign-up sheet is located on the bar.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Principal Lion
We are excited to welcome back Principal Lion to Walter Rhoades American Legion Post 111. This Denver-based band specializes in acoustic music spanning the last 100 years. From jazz standards of the 20’s and 30’s to western swing of the 40’s, blues to country, folk to R&B, this is sure to be a magical performance. This event is open to the public.

Blarney Bingo
Join us March 16th, 2024, at 1:00 PM for Blarney Bingo! Hosted by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111, this event will include bingo, raffles, paddles and loads of fun. Field Kitchen 111 will be open and serving food! This event is open to the public. All funds raised support veterans and programs in the local community. This event is open to the public.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Auxiliary Unit 111 Meeting
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 111 meets the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 am to 11 am at Post 111.

Legion Meeting
American Legion Post 111 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.

Superbowl Sunday Potluck Dinner
Join us for Superbowl Sunday! Starting at 4:30 PM, there will be a potluck dinner for this event. Please use the sign up sheet on the bar if you'd like to bring a dish.